
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rides At Bensen Days!

Good morning! 

I am really looking forward to the upcoming Spring Shows this year. What amazes me is that we are less than sixty (60) days from the 2012 Bensen Days Event and the days immediately afterward.

Many of you have already contacted me to get your name on the list for a ride in the HoneyBee G2 Tandem.  If you want to go for a ride but have not yet notified me,  please contact me soon at: or

When we fly together, please bring your camera(s) so we can make the most of the experience. We will be shooting lots of GoPro footage and between your camera and ours, there will be lots of new video coming after the show.

I look forward to "Beeing" together!


1 comment:

Don said...

This is great. I can't wait to see the Tandem G2 fly. I put in for a demo flight. Keep up the great work and fly safe. Hope to here from you soon.
