
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Exhaust Update

Good afternoon to all of you!

I can't believe that the days are getting shorter and the nights colder. Over the last eight weeks we have so busy attending to business matters, interviewing and hiring staff and making small adaptations of the G2 Line for commercial applications that the Summer has slipped away.  

And now to the point of this post... The Exhaust Update! The game of Baseball is not usually won with home runs. More likely it is won with consistent hits that push players routinely around the diamond.  Don't get me wrong, home runs are nice, but generally the game is won or lost based on hits and RBI's.  When it comes to aircraft design, small hits will consistently produce a continuous improvement on the overall product. Sometimes this means that a working portion of the product that is okay for the time being will get you down the road far enough until you can come back to it and make another "hit" improving the effort even more. In the case of the exhaust, it has been one small hit after another that has finally won the game for the exhaust. I am pleased to tell you that the 2PT exhaust (after roughly six versions) is perfect in spite of the fact that it is almost a complete flow through...and it is QUIET!  It is so quiet that you only hear the rotor blades on the inbound leg to the airport and the exhaust noise on the outbound leg from the airport....until you pull back the power to cruise settings. At cruise, the engine noise is diffused is really cool.  

We have had this exhaust on different airframes this summer and will be testing it again with a completely new ECM Map and prop set-up over the next month for an undisclosed customer. I will post more "data" on this when we have it compiled.  For those that have read this post to this point, know that we have had a major effort underway this Summer to eliminate rotor blade noise too. When the patents are filed and the blades are "perfected" we will go public with all of data on the "flying noise" of the aircraft...silence is golden and patents keep it that way!

Quiet is good! 

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