
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Gail Schultz Joins The 2012 Winter Flying Hall Of Fame!

Congratulations to Gail Schultz on being the first woman to join the ranks of the 2012 WFHOF! Gail's flight began at the end of the day. Snow was coming and the temperature was tolerable......Well the snow held off until we took off and headed West on Runway 30 at Hastings City-Barry County Airport then we hit snow about a 1/4 mile West of the Runway.  What made the continued flight a safe possibility was that it was snowing West of the field and not to our South. Gail and I simply turned left 90 degrees and headed for clear weather.  Coming back into the pattern at 1,800' we made several vertical approaches into the field and stayed close by just in case the weather got worse.  It was a great flight overall....

Here is what Gail had to say about our ride together...


I felt like I was on a ride at Cedar Point at one point of the flight, yet this was way more fun and way more cool! Thank you to everyone! 


I can't wait until Paul and Gail get into their brand spanking new, you guessed it ---Hot Pink-Fully Enclosed Two Place Tandem HoneyBee G2! You will no doubt see them from miles and miles away!

Let's go flying again!

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