
Friday, August 26, 2011

Building Blocks....

My son Tom (now 25) loved Lego's. From his very earliest days, he always wanted to be a Lego Engineer. By the time he was 5 or 6 he could build anything from Lego's.  Not only could he build all kinds of cool things from Lego's, his favorite book was "How Things Work".  Today he is in the oil drilling field dealing with complex equipment  miles underground.  He learned basic "skills" early and never stopped learning how things went together, how they came apart and why they did what they did.....all building blocks to graduating from Purdue University as a Mechanical Engineer.  Smart kid for sure on a journey that lead him to what his heart desired. 

So why do I tell  you this? I do so because it relates to the approach I am using for the final syllabus for Gyroplane Training Centers International, LLC. Learning and then mastering the "building blocks" is so important in the larger scheme of your gyroplane journey.  These basic skills form a foundation for building complex skill sets that will allow you to safely carry passengers, go faster and then faster or even maybe flying IFR in your HoneyBee G2.  Who knows where that dream will take you.  Don't be in a hurry to get "there". Enjoy the journey and more importantly, learn well the skill sets that will take you there safely. There are those that need you to be there when the flying is over and your gyroplane is back in the hangar.  The gyroplane community needs you to fly but to do everything you do with a "safety first" approach.  That is done with basic skills that will lead to complex skills that eventually place you into fast and complex gyroplanes.  That is where my basic skills sets are taking me....and I am enjoying every step of the journey.  At the end of the day, I want to either help Ms. Louanne out of the back seat or rush home to meet her.  Now that is a journey worth step at a time!

Learning more everyday!



Karina (Sydney) said...

Thanks for sharing this story!

GyroJim said...


Thank you for your comment. Flying has been a big part of my life. It seems that no matter how much (or sometimes how little) I get to fly, I am always ready to fly again. I am hopeful that this part of my story has helped encourage you in your quest to fly....especially a Gyroplane.

There is really nothing like a gyro....

Take care,