
Friday, April 29, 2011

Do You Want Yours Open Or Closed? How About Both!

Busy week at AWI for sure!  Part of the week included Tony coming come up with yet another HOME RUN!  Check it out....this design gives  you either a partially or fully enclosed HoneyBee G2™.  That right, from this  "platform"  all you have to do is pull a couple of "hinge pins" and wallah! You now have a "beautiful partially enclosed  HoneyBee G2™! All of this with the same great looking nose cone, wind screen and same super clean frontal lines.   

Best of all, if you want a partially enclosed HoneyBee G2 to begin with and later want to convert it to a fully enclosed frame just order the doors! 

There is a ton of thought going into this effort; we want to get it right---the first time! Got ideas on how we could make it better?  How about cup holders?  Landing lights? Vents? Heating ducts? Gun racks? Well not gun racks......Write me: Jim@HoneyBee 

It is 9:30PM on Friday night and it is time to call it a week! I am going to TRY to stop thinking about the HoneyBee G2at least until morning!

Have a great weekend!


1 comment:

AlphaGolf said...

I really like the style and functionality of the enclosures. The flexibility of the various configurations adds to the value of this aircraft. Nice!