
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Suzuki-GEO Update

Yesterday was a great day for the staff. We were able to get outside and fire up the Suzuki-GEO again after a long winter in the shop. The time running the engine convinces us that this is really a good engine; we believe that it is the right engine for our application. The engine is quiet, power is smooth and there is a huge amount of thrust; approximately 550#'s.  More on this later....

While we were running the engine we learned how to better route the coolant to the radiator and significantly improve cooling to the engine.  Fuel usage is running between 3 & 3.25 GPH....again we are thrilled!

We hope to be flying both the Pink Single-Place and the Tandem soon. We will do our best to get the video up for everyone to enjoy! 

Have a great day!


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